Today I went back to the doctor for about the millionth time to get some blood-work done and all the other lovely procedures women get to endure (I never wanna hear a man complain-- we women have to go through quite a bit of crap to have children... the monthly visitor, lovely exams, the ACTUAL childbirth..)
The doctor is about 90% sure (her words, not mine) that I have a disease called Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome (know as PCOS). This is a genetically-linked hormonal imbalance that prevents ovulation. She didn't diagnose me because she needs the lab results back to confirm her speculations, but she says with all the evidence given, it is all pointing towards that being the issue.
My mom's first reaction to hearing this news was "I am so sorry Cami". But I am not! No, I do not really want this disease... but at least I know (or will know) what the heck is going on with my body! My doctor is very optimistic about my fertility future. She says lots of people with PCOS get pregnant on certain treatments-- hallelujah! I actually have a good friend with PCOS that just gave birth to her second child. It sucks to have a "disease" but it is good to know why I am having trouble with pregnancies.
She said with my physical activity and the way I eat, I should weigh about 120 lbs and that after I get pregnant and deliver a baby, I can get on treatments that level out my hormones that will allow my true weight to come through--- BEST NEWS EVER! ha ha. I am a healthy weight, but I want to shed off the pudge I have here and there!
So-- now all I can do is wait for the results to see if I actually have PCOS. I should hear by early next week. Keep your fingers crossed that I have this disease! ha ha ha (Have you ever heard of anyone actually hoping for a disease?!)
3 days ago
You definitly have the right attitude. I am sure all that you have been through has not been easy. You are very courageous. We will hope that things turn out the way you want them to. Best of Luck.
Wow that is awesome! In a totally twisted way but I get it. That is how I felt when I was diagnosed with celiac disease. It is an answer and sometimes even if the answer is crappy it is at least an answer. I'm pretty sure has PCOS and details her struggle with it. And she's beyond honest which is nice. Good luck and I can't wait for you to get your answers.
oh wow! i am so glad to hear that you maybe have an answer!!! what a relief, seriously. and what a nice bonus that you can go on some treatments later and lose a little unwanted weight too. good luck!!!
Wow. That is what I have and struggled with my whole life. I got my two girls but that was it. At least I got two great ones. Just be careful this nasty disease led to my imbalance and killing my thyroid and getting cancer. At least you have a way good attitude about it. Things will work out, you will see.
I hope you get some answers! I know of a few people that have that and have been able to have kids. Good luck!!!
Wow! Cami you are amazing! I love your great attitude and I am glad you are getting some answers. That sure does help! I have a good friend who has PCOS and although it took her a little longer to get pregnant, she now has 3 kids! There is LOTS of hope! I will be praying for you Cami!!
that is great news cami!! in sort of a strange way lol.. but its so awesome that you are finally finding answers. i am so happy for yall and pray that this comes out how you hope it does. good luck!
i'm so glad that you can turn something that would really disappoint a woman and turn it into something somewhat positive. i'll pray for you. i do hope that you get every thing you wish for...even if its for a disease....or just to have healthy children!
Cami... if it's any consolation, Doctors thought I was going to have PCOS (my testosterone levels were twice what they should be and I hadn't had a period in three years). I was pretty discouraged at the time, because I wanted to have kids. They gave me some hormone treatment, and on my mission my periods returned. And now I do have a baby, so keep hoping. I know God is watching over you and Geoff.
Like so many people have said...I"m glad you got an answer. Waiting is such a pain. I've never heard of you have to weigh 120 to have kids? and then you up for health issues? or are you already at 120 lbs? Jael Thompson
No, I am def. NOT 120 lbs- I am at about 155-160. I wish I was 120. The doctor was saying that with how much I run and how I only eat about 1200-1300 calories a day, that I should weigh 120 lbs but with this disease I could have, it could be preventing me to be at that weight because it messes with the way you metabolize carbs and such. Make sense?
I'm so glad that you probably have some answers and that its something you can work with. I have been thinking about you all the time. Have a wonderful vacation.
I'm sorry you had to get poked and prodded in those 'womanly' places but I am SO glad you guys finally have a name for what's going on!!! Things are going to work out A O K!! Yaaaaay!!!!!
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