Geoff's good friend Jason came up from Cedar City with his new girlfriend we had never met so we decided to meet them for dinner in Ogden which is about an hour away. Her cute sister and brother-in-law met us for dinner as well. Well, they had a special on steak and shrimp for 2, so being the conservative spenders that we are, we decided to go for it. I have never really eaten shrimp before but I thought, what the heck? I am an adult, I can handle anything? So we got our food, it was alright (sorry, once you have had Texas steakhouse food- you can't help but see other steak as "alright"). A few minutes after taking a bite out of the shrimp my mouth started feeling all tingly. I touched my lip and I could literally feel bumps. I leaned over to Geoff and said "Uh, I think I am allergic to shrimp... my mouth feels weird". I tried to just let it go and drink lots of water. As time went on, my throat started to burn and I knew this could not be good. So we paid for dinner, said goodnight to our friends, and headed to a store to get some Benedryl. I took the benedryl and we decided to head back to Logan. As we were heading towards the freeway my whole body started to hurt. We are talking immense pain where I was like moving around like I was almost having a seizure. Geoff kept asking me if I needed to go to the hospital and I kept saying no (I wanted to be tough). But soon I was having a really hard breathing. I could feel my throat closing up. Geoff pulled over in some Arby's parking lot and called 911. I stayed in the car but soon I got super dizzy and opened the door to lean my head out. Good thing I did, cause without thinking, my steak and shrimp dinner came up. Geoff was still on the phone with 911 so I told him I think we could make it to the hospital. So we hopped back on the freeway and of course, it had to start snowing really hard at that moment. Geoff called his friend Jason who knew the area better, to give us directions to the closest hospital. I could tell the pain was starting to go away the closer we got to the hospital. I guess throwing up the shrimp was my body's way of fixing itself. Once we reached the hospital, my breathing was almost back to normal and so was my heart-rate. We sat there for 15-20 minutes to make sure I was okay, but thank goodness I was. The hospital wasn't where I wanted to stay for Valentines day. So we headed back to Logan again.
It was quite adventurous. Geoff was amazing through it all. He just took a first aide class about 6 months ago and learned all the first responder stuff you're supposed to do. He said in his mind he was reviewing CPR and all that stuff cause I looked as if I was ready to just pass out. As silly as this sounds, I really did think that I was dying. Not being able to breath will do that to you I guess. Thank goodness, it was NOT my time.
As we were driving through Sardine Canyon, Geoff looked at me and said "That was the first time I saw you throw up... And I am glad it's not the last". ha ha. Talk about romantic! Needless to say, it was a Valentines day to remember.
Whoa! Cami I'm so glad that you are okay. As I was reading your post I was thinking "oh my heck she's going to go into anaphylactic shock!" I'm so glad it didn't reach that point. How scary, I was on my toes and breathing faster just reading your post. I'm glad that you are okay!
Cami, that is crazy! What a time to find out you have a deathly allergy to shrimp, huh? Sounds like Valentines Day is kind of like your own personal Friday the 13th. :)
Holy crap Cami! I hope you are feeling better now! Hahah I agree with Chelle, Valentines is NOT your day. Good thing you were with your awesome hubby though!
I'm in Logan right now! I had no idea you lived here. Anyways. Hope you're doing better and that life is swell as always :)
Ok that really sucks. I'm so sad for you because shrimp is my ultimate favorite!!! Hopefully it's not ALL seafood you are banned from!
You really know how to celebrate!:) I'm glad you're okay.
Wow, that's crazy! I'm glad you're alright! BTW, I'm jealous of the camera.
Oh my gosh Cami that is so scary! I'm so glad you're ok! I don't know if I've ever known anyone with a shrimp allergy. And how did you go your whole life without eating it? Awesome camera though! You'll have lot's of fun with that!
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