The last few days, Geoff and I have talked in great detail about Proposition 8 and our belief in our church. I feel that it is my right, as an American to stand for what I believe is right and share it with those I love.
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I hold an temple recommend and keep that a very sacred treasure. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. I know it is only through his atonement and his plan for us that we can return and inherit all our Heavenly Father has to give us. I know that this is the only true church and that it is led by a living prophet. I know that Pres. Thomas S. Monson is that prophet. I know that Joseph Smith restored this church and brought fourth the Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
As far as Prop 8 is concerned, "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" provides enough of an argument, at least for those who consider themselves faithful members of the Church as to why Prop 8 needed to be passed. If that isn't enough I think the letter from the First Presidency urging the members in California to put our best efforts into seeing is passed, does that.
We don't have a Prophet just to follow when we agree with him. Our opinion doesn't make something right or wrong in the eyes of God. That's God's call. It's how we use our agency to be obedient to those things He has asked us to do that does.
The Proclamation wasn't given just to us as members of the church, but to the world. They were warning the world as to what will happen if these things continue.
These men are prophets, seers, and revelators. I raised my hand to the square a few weeks ago at General Conference to sustain them
The bottom line here is simple.
A. Acting on homosexual urges is a sin. One of the main reasons we came to earth is to start our own family. And as the proclamation states, marriage is between a man and a woman
B. In regards to Prop. 8, the Prophet has asked us to support it, not the republicans or the democrats - the Prophet. If you sustained him as such in General Conference, if you hold a temple recommend and said you sustain him as the Prophet, and if you say you have a testimony of the restored Church as led by the Prophet then what more proof do you need?
Many have called the LDS church, a church of "hate" and "discrimination". I was deeply saddened of the images of peopel screaming outside our Holy, sacred temples this past week with signs that were hurtful & untrue. I ask them to reconsider this opinion. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints are always on the front lines when there is a world disaster. When hurricane Katrina hit, members in my stake in Houston and many others from around the world, rolled up their sleeves, drove to New Orleans and went to work for days. This has happened throughout our church history. How is that a church of hate? Just because we don't recognize homosexual behavior as something that is right, doesn't mean we "hate" them.
I have some people very close in my life who struggle with their sexuality. Do I hate them? No. I love them more than they know. But, I will never turn my back on what God has told us is true and right. Because I love God more than anything and will always do my best to do what is right.
As for my blog, this is my blog. I will consider your opinions, I will even post them. But please remember that these are my opinions and beliefs, please at least respect that even if you do disagree with me. I love having a diverse group of friends and associates and I hope you all know that this blog was not to hurt or offend anyone. I just had to say something and stand for what I know to be right.
1 week ago
I am so glad you wrote this! It really puts an end to the discussion and disagreement even between members of the church. The prophet said it's not ok, then it's not ok. There is no gray line. It's been defined black and white. Thanks for sharing your opinion! There are so many right behind you!
well said cami.
i appreciate you blogging about this as well. it is sad that so many people turn away from the church to find their answers on issues like this. i appreciate your testimony and am so glad we're cousins, even if we don't see each other much. love you cousin!
Way to go Cami, this was a really good posting. Thank you for standing so strong and representing the church in such a positive way. Pres. Pomeroy told our ward today that if there are any concerns about the issues with Prop 8 to direct people to the webpage and have them read the newsroom article released from the church. I completely agree with everything you just said and thank you for having the courage to stand up for what WE believe in.
Thank you Cami! You have such a beautiful testimony. This is a battle that is far from over. Thanks for being willing to share this with everyone who reads it, you are a great example!
Well said indeed! You seriously said everything perfectly and I couldn't agree more! Now if only everyone else looked at it this way!
I am so glad to have others in this family with such great opinions. Maybe you should publish them like Hill. I love the way you have put in all into perspective. I am actually going to use this as an FHE with my girls and what is going on in the world, especially as they see what is happening in LA with the temple and all. Thanks for sharing!
Cami and Geoff, thanks for the post.
I love you Cami. I was soooo sad I missed you last weekend... :(
You are totally right. I'm glad you are willing to stand up and tell what you think and what you stand for. I'm 100% with you
I had to post you another comment, because I wanted to read this again. It is so good and you put it so nicely!!!
hey cami. just found your blog... well said. it's scary how many people i know that are members of the church that were opposed to prop 8. we had prop 102 in arizona which was exactly the same as prop 8 in cali. i'm so glad they passed! but the battle is not over- it has only begun. prophets have said for years that the time will come where people will have to decide... will they follow the prophet, or follow the world. it's here, it's now, and we're only at the beginning.
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