One reason I felt very strongly that Geoff and I were supposed to move to Houston is to help with missionary work down here. I have been praying that I would meet someone here that I could share the gospel with... well it happened this morning!
I was in the kitchen eating my oatmeal and the door rang. I was a little flustered to be interrupted from my morning routine but went to answer the door. There was 2 older gentleman at the door-- missionaries from a Baptist church here in our neighborhood. They were all smiles and asked if they could come in and teach me about a message of Jesus Christ. Of course I said yes and let them come in.
They walked in and immediately saw a picture of Christ. They right away asked me if I was christian and i of course responded that i was. they continued to ask me if i could change one thing in this world, what would it be? i took a minute to think about this and then responded that i would save families that are falling apart. they were really taken back by my answer and said i must have read their minds.
they then gave me a little book titled "the secret of family happiness" and went on to tell me how god intended marriage to be between a man and a woman and how satan is trying to destroy the family now more than ever. the spirit overcame me knowing there were other good christians that felt the way the LDS religion does.
the spirit was kicking me in the pants to share my testimony with them so i told them to sit tight for a second as i dug something out of my closet. i just happened to have an extra "the family- a proclamation to the world". and i gave it to them with shaking hands. but you know what? these two men were delighted to have it. and i asked them if i could give them one more thing that meant a lot to me? they didn't even hesitate once. they received the book of mormon with smiling faces and said they were so happy to know there was love in this home. i then bore my testimony to them of our savior Jesus Christ and they bore their testimony of Him to me.
we then invited each other to our churches and parted ways.
now, i don't know if anything will come of this. these 2 men are very devoted to their churches and are doing a lot of good for their community. but you just never know. moral of the story is this... though sharing your testimony can be frightening and scary-- it is probably one of the most spiritually uplifting experiences i have ever had and i am grateful for these 2 men who surprisingly knocked on MY door. and i am grateful for a loving heavenly father for giving me this opportunity to share my testimony.