Okay, I know you all know Geoff and I are having troubles getting pregnant, so I am looking for any tips any of you may have with conceiving. I know this may be personal to just post on my blog so if you want to email me, that would be GREAT. Honestly, I will take any advice!
I love you all and thank you for all your support through this difficult & VERY frustrating ordeal we are going through.
Much love,
1 week ago
With all my experiences of trying to get pregnant I have come up with a great list of do's and don'ts ... Oh, wait ...
Cami, you are going to make the best mommy! And all this time you are waiting will only make you cherish every moment with your little one more! Keeping my fingers crossed (okay, not really ... it would be a detriment to my typing among many other things).
Thanks Mindy for the encouragement. You're a great friend!
Have you read "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler? Its a pretty popular one, so you might have already read it. Also, the ovulation predictor kits work pretty good, although they can be expensive. Sorry, not very original ideas. I feel blessed to have three kiddos, and it took a little effort for us (I'm no fertile Myrtle, if you know what I mean :)
And I agree with your friend Mindy, you will be an amazing mother someday! And You will be in my prayers!
I was going to say the same thing as the comment above--the ovulation predictor kits.
Yeah we have used ovulation predictor kits already. Thanks guys!
Dearest Cami, I know how you feel and what you are going through. We have only been trying for almost 11 years now. I do have two amazing girls already, so I cant complain. I think that when you stress about it and constantly think about it, your body doesn't have time to relax. Also, consider going to a specialist, maybe the problem is a lack of a specific hormone. Sometimes the problem isn't you. I know that at one time you were overweight and speaking from experience with that, when you are overweight, your homones go out of whack and sometimes stop producing what they should to balance. Even though you are healthy now, your body still may be off. Some fertility specialist really know what they are doing. That is how we got Kaylee. It took three years, but all well worth every penny.
Hang in there, you will inspired as to what to do, all you need to do is relax and listen.
We love you both and can't wait for that day we get a phone call.
Call me anytime if you need some support.
I would try the book that Kristin suggested. I have lots of friends that tried and it worked well for them. If you take the fertility route, the first thing they will tell you to do before all the testing is all the stuff in that book anyway. (so I've heard)
I also agree about the stress, I have heard that so many times. It took us a little time to get pregnant with Alexa and it wasn't until after I put my foot down and stopped "trying" to get pregnant that the next month I actually did. Always funny how that works out. We'll pray for you. It will all work out the way it should! Such a righteous desire can bring you nothing but great blessings anyway! Love ya!
From what i know, i don't have kids but this is what i've heard. Some people ovulate early or late so it is best to "do it" every other day from the last day of your period to the first day. That way you will increase concentration of the swimmers.... I don't know if that helps...
As you know, we have been through a few of the same experiences. When we finally got pregnant the third time, I wasn't willing to just wait around and see if it would finally "take." I called my doctor and explained my situation (as having already suffered two miscarriages, it was a new doctor, because I felt that the previous one wouldn't do anything for us. We were told numerous times that they wouldn't do any sort of testing until we had 3 miscarriages...comforting? I think not) and I wanted to do something more. She put me on a progesterone supplement, and told me to take a baby aspirin a day. I don't know if it was a hormone thing, but it all worked, and we have our little guy here. She has said with each subsequent pregnancy, that we'll follow the same protocol, since it seemed to do the trick. Who knows, it may be of some help to you as well.
I know that there are a lot of people out there who will just tell you relax and let it happen when it will. I also know how hard it is to hear those words of attempted comfort. I know people mean no harm from them, but when you want something so badly, it's hard to remember that it really is all in the Lord's hands. It's hard to sit back and just wait. Sometimes we have to go through the refiners fire before we can receive all the amazing blessings that He has in store for us when we just put it in His hands. Do absolutely all we can, and then leave the rest up to Him.
I love you, and agree with everyone that you will be an amazing mother. I have no doubt that you will be able to experience the joy of motherhood, and look totally forward to hearing the exciting news whenever it comes.
Please let me know if you need anything. I'll make sure to keep you guys in our prayers.
Love you!
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