I was texting my Mom today about Payton and how he has been kinda gassy and how we have had to go to the store in the middle of the night for gas drops and different formula and how tired I am. And her response of course was to say how sorry she was... and then it came to me how much I love being this tired. I love being covered in formula and baby spit and not showering til late in the afternoon... I have seriously never been happier. My life feels complete now. Geoff and I always felt a void in our home and Payton was the missing puzzle piece. I think everyday this week I have had a moment where tears were just streaming down my face because I am overcome with love and gratitude for my baby boy. I would go through the pain and agony of the last 4 years again and again to have him. It makes me think about why Heavenly Father gives us certain trials... and now I know with a certainty that this trial was meant to be so that we could be with Payton when all is said and done.
1 week ago
Cami that is beautiful. It is amazing how it all works out. My heart is so full of happiness for you and your sweet family.
Yours is such a beautiful story, thank you for sharing that.
Awh Cami! What an amazing event! Congratulations, what great parents you guys will be. He is adorable! I am so happy for your guys.
Cami, I am Janelle's daughter and I love to read your blog. I was listening to this song today and I thought of you. http://www.youtube.com/user/jennyphillipsmusic#p/u/0/cKy6iwO3lHU
We just want to tell you guys congratulations! Payton is so darling. We couldn't be happier for you both.
I'm so grateful that you share all this through your blog. It helps me keep things in perspective when I start feeling sorry for myself because I am tired, smell like spit up by noon, or just get frazzled about whatever else motherhood sometimes throws at/on you! You are such an awesome example for me. I'm so happy for you and your family.
I'm so happy for your cute little family!
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