Dear Payton,
Nine whole months! I can hardly believe it my little man. This month has been a fun one for you. You are a master crawler and are now venturing into taking steps. Just a week after your 8 month mark, you pulled yourself up on the couch, turned around and took two steps toward me and have done it a handful other times since. You still prefer crawling because you are so fast, and I am OK with that. I am just not ready for you to become a toddler yet!
My new favorite thing you do is give me these big wet slobbery kisses. It is so cute. You giggle almost every time you do it, which just adds to the cuteness. You also adore being chased and every night before you go to bed, your Dad and I chase you around the living room and you giggle and giggle. It's the best way to end our days.
This last month you have had two teeth come in and your top four are all coming in as we speak. It has made it difficult for you to sleep sometimes, but I think you are a trooper for the most part. It is so funny that I have a hard time noticing when your teeth come in because you ALWAYS have your tongue sticking out. I guess it is your trademark and you look completely adorable, so I don't mind.
Something else we have ventured into this past month is separation anxiety. You do not like to go to anyone but your Mom and Dad. We are working on it and just today you spent part of the day with your Grandma and Grandpa Nelson and did pretty good. I love that you love us so much but I hope that soon enough you will trust others who love you too.
I know all parents love their babies and think they are the best, but I just can’t get enough of you. When I pick you up I just need to squeeze you and give you kisses and tell you that I love you because I just love you so much I can’t stand it. I love it when I’ve given you a bath and my hands still smell like your lotion and I can’t help but keep smelling them once you’re in bed. I love when you get so excited when I come in to get you out of your crib and you scurry over to the side to stand up and grab me. There are times when I wish I could just stop time so I won't ever forget all the little things you do each day, but you're growing up so fast and I am so excited to see what you do next. You really are such a special boy and there is nothing more important to me than spending my days with you.
1 week ago
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