Today was one of those Sundays where I was just spiritually fed too the max. I feel like I need a nap because it was SO much to take in.
Being the 5th Sunday, we had a combined relief society/priesthood meeting. Walking in to the meeting, I was given this article as was everyone in attendance. The whole meeting was dedicated on educating ward members on LDS Family Services and Adoption. We were instructed by a couple in our ward, who are the stake representatives, about adoption and what services LDS family services provides.
They started out by sharing their own experiences in adopting their 3 beautiful children. I was so over-come by the spirit. I had tears streaming down my face and I couldn't make them stop no matter how hard I tried. At one point, the husband said that the birth mother of their first child they adopted, almost changed her mind in placing their daughter up for adoption to them... but once she saw the baby in his arms, she knew that child was meant for this couple, she was overcome by the spirit and went through with the adoption. He was so over-come with emotion, it was so easy to feel the love this man and woman had for their 3 children they have adopted.
It was an amazing meeting. I felt the love of my Heavenly Father. I just know that I need to be preparing for a special child that Heavenly Father is sending us through someone else. There is no doubt in my mind, especially after the spirit I felt today, that we are meant to adopt. It is going to be the most amazing day of my life when I get to hold that sweet baby for the first time. I am so grateful that I was able to get that confirmation, yet again, today.
3 days ago