Well, Geoff and I are back in school full swing. I have been working 40 hours a week and also going to school full time at night/online. It has been great. I forgot how much I love to learn, as lame as that sounds. I enjoy discussing things that are interesting to me with people who are on my level. As much as I love my job working with adults with disabilities, I sometimes miss the intellectual stimulation the university provides. It has been interesting trying to manage my time wisely. I usually get home from work at around 4 and eat a quick dinner and head to the gym, then go to the library to study or catch up on reading and then go to class til around 10:30. So I am working for the weekends. Geoff and I see each other in passing but it has been that way since we were first married. My parents keep telling me to cherish this time before kids come along because I will never be able to do this when we are fortunate to have children.
Some crappy news is that Geoff got laid off tonight. The company he worked for (Icon Health & Fitness) has taken a hit with the economy and had to lay off about a 1/4th of their company worldwide and they made cuts based on seniority. So Geoff was one of the lucky! But, we kind of saw it coming so it wasn't a big surprise. Thankfully, with us both working full time since we have been married, and living in such a small affordable apartment and having very few bills, we have managed to save up quite a bit of money. And my job pays pretty well and we can live on it and still save. I feel very blessed with the financial security we have and for parents who taught us both to manage money wisely from the start. It's funny, as soon as Geoff came home to tell me the bad news, we sat down and started looking for a new job! He can't sit still that silly man! That's what I love about my husband- he is the HARDEST worker I have ever met other than my Father and my grandpa. It was one of the first things that attracted me to him! I have to say, it is nice having Geoff home in the evenings- although its quite the distraction-- I am having a hard time doing my homework while having my hot hubby around! ha ha.
Also- I think I have decided to run the Logan marathon in September. I was going to try and run the Ogden one in May but with school being so demanding right now, I am only able to run about 5 miles/day. So hopefully this summer with me taking only one class, I can train for the marathon. Anyone wanna join me?? It's always easier to train with a buddy! I am trying to get Geoff to join but his school schedule is pretty hectic, I don't know if he will have the time.
I hope everyone is having a great week! Hopefully I will be able to post at least once a week to keep everyone updated on our crazy hectic lives! (if anyone even really cares ha ha).
1 week ago
oh yeah, you know, working 40 hours a week, going to school full-time, being an awesome wife and home decorator, and I only have the time to fit in a 5 mile run every day instead of an 8 mile one...
Wow, I'm sorry about Geoff's job. But am grateful that you're lived responsibly as it sounds like you'll be ok for a while. We'll keep his search for a new job in our prayers.
So sorry to hear about Geoff's job. I hope he is able to find another that works with his schedule and that he enjoys. I can't believe your schedule and that you still take the time to exercise--i wish I had your commitment!
That sucks about Geoff's job! Good for you guys for saving lots though. Let us know if you need anything!
I'd run it with you! Too bad I'm not closer! Good luck with your schooling and working. Just don't forget to go out on dates! With kids it really is SO much harder. So true.
Sorry to hear about Geoff's job, but I know you will do great, you always do. Go get em in the logan marathon, I'm glad you are doing it. Congrats on the weight loss too. That P90X is amazing hah?
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