Today was a glorious day. One that I have anticipated for years to come. I did not want any lavish gifts... in fact I asked Geoff to make me gift and it was so fun to watch him spend hours and hours making me the sweetest memory box to put all the special things that I will collect over the years of being a Mom. It has a photo glued on the inside of us --our first family picture taken right before we took Payton home from the hospital -- and tears came to my eyes as I saw this. My thoughts always turn to our angel birth-mom and for the self-less sacrifice she made so that my dreams could come true. I will always always love that woman for blessing me so.
Payton is a happy and so-very-very loved little boy. He is thriving and he is growing up in the gospel. He has a father that would do anything for him and they are already the best of friends. My dreams have come true. Trials will come and go, but my family is forever. That can not be taken away from me. I am so very blessed and I have cherished every single moment today.